drupal views bulk operations rules
Learn Rules with NodeOne, part 16: VBO, rule sets and customized.
I had a block with a VBO accessing a Rules Component Action Set. It worked this morning, then I updated to this new version, and since then.
Issues for Views Bulk Operations (VBO). Login or register to.
Provide a rules action that allows loading all entities from a.
Jan 3, 2012. I'm trying to trigger a simple view bulk operation (unpublish a batch of nodes) with Rules 2 and Drupal 7. I've been trying to add an action but.
Feb 9, 2011. Check out the last episode – Calling a VBO from Rules – or view the complete list of. Selenium tests and Drupal development (completed).
Add permissions to Components [#1586150] | Drupal.
Schedule operation [#734886] | Drupal.
I want to build a Rules component that I can use in my VBO view which takes all ids from the selected entities, concatenates them with a comma.
Issue Summary. im creating a rules to be used with the VBO when im adding the action "subscribe user to group" the group gives me nada than.
drupal views bulk operations rules
drupal views bulk operations rules
Views Bulk Operations (VBO) development guide | drupal.org.Rules or VBO in conjunction with Entity will not interact with a.
Issues for Views Bulk Operations (VBO). Login or register to.
add users to a group with rules & vbo [#1255070] | Drupal.